Breast Imaging

Astra Radiology, Auckland, has established a world-leading centre for breast screening and diagnosis, supported by specialist radiologists & highly-skilled technicians.

At Astra Radiology, Auckland, mammography can be used either for breast screening or diagnosis, and also plays a key role in early breast cancer detection.

  • What is a mammogram?

    A mammogram is a special soft-tissue x-ray used to visualise breast tissue for early signs of breast cancer (screening mammography) and also to evaluate the breasts when there is a symptom (diagnostic mammography).

    Regular screening is recognised as the best way to monitor any changes within the breasts, and early detection gives women a better chance of a cure for breast cancer

    Screening mammography: Screening mammography is used to detect breast changes in women who have no signs or symptoms or observable breast abnormalities. The goal is to detect cancer before clinical signs are noticeable. A screening mammogram consists images taken of each breast from two different angles.

    Diagnostic mammography: Diagnostic mammography is used to investigate suspicious breast changes, such as a breast lump, breast pain, an unusual skin appearance, nipple thickening or nipple discharge. It is also used to evaluate abnormal findings on a screening mammogram. A diagnostic mammogram can include additional mammogram images, such as magnification and compression views.

  • What conditions does a mammogram show?

    A mammogram helps to identify the following conditions:

    • Calcifications: These are tiny mineral deposits within the breast tissue. There are two categories of calcifications:
      – Macrocalcifications: These are coarse calcium deposits that usually indicate degenerative changes in the breasts, such as aging of the breast arteries, old injuries or inflammations.
      – Microcalcifications: These are tiny specks of calcium. When many microcalcifications are seen in one area, they are referred to as a cluster.
    • Masses: These may occur with or without associated calcifications, and may be due to different causes, including the following:
    • Cyst: A non-cancerous collection of fluid in the breast. Cysts cannot be diagnosed by physical examination alone or by mammography alone. Either breast ultrasound or aspiration with a needle is required. If a mass is not a cyst, then further imaging may be necessary.
    • Benign breast conditions: Masses can be monitored with periodic mammography, but others may require immediate or delayed biopsy. About 80 percent of all breast changes that are biopsied are found to be benign (non-cancerous) when looked at under the microscope.
    • Breast cancer.
  • When should I have a mammogram?

    Mammograms should be performed every 1-2 years depending on your age, clinical indications and family history:

    • If you are a woman over the age of 40.
    • If you are a woman with a strong family history of breast cancer.
    • If you develop a lump or notices a change in your breasts (if you are aged 30 and over)
    • If you are a woman with a previous history of breast cancer.

    The nationally funded breast screening programme, BreastScreen Aotearoa, is available for women aged between 45 and 69 years. This programme funds mammograms every two years for asymptomatic women.

  • Tomosynthesis (3D) Mammography

    At Astra Radiology, we offer tomosynthesis (3D) mammography. 3D mammography is the next generation in breast imaging technology and is superior in detecting breast cancer than traditional mammography.

    3D mammography has shown an increase in cancer detection rate and a decrease in recall rate. This means more cancers are identified and there is less chance of being called back for additional views.

    Please note the time for the study and the radiation dose is the same as with traditional digital (2D) mammography. Despite using x-rays, the radiation dose of a mammogram is very low. For most women, the benefits of regular mammograms outweigh the risks posed by this amount of radiation.

    For current pricing, please ask the booking specialist when you make your appointment.

  • Before a mammogram

    • You do not need a doctor’s referral for a routine screening mammogram after the age of 40. However, we do recommend that you see your GP first for a clinical examination.
    • If you have a breast problem, it’s a good idea to see your GP first and obtain a referral form.
    • Try to organise your mammography appointment when your breasts are likely to be the least tender i.e. the week after your period.
    • Avoid using deodorants, talcum powders, lotions, creams or perfumes under your arms or on your breasts. These often contain traces of aluminium which may show up on the mammogram.
    • It is a good idea to wear trousers or a skirt to the appointment, as you’ll be asked to undress from the waist up.
  • During a mammogram

    You’ll be asked to remove neck jewellery and clothing from the waist up and will be given a gown to wear.

    A specially trained radiographer will take two views of each breast. For each view, the breast is compressed for a few seconds between the x-ray plate and a clear plastic paddle. Compression is essential for better visualization of the breast tissue, and also holds your breast still to decrease blurring from movement and minimises the dose of radiation needed. You’ll be asked to stand still and hold your breath while the exposure is made and the compression is released immediately afterwards. Most women find this mildly uncomfortable but not painful. The entire procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes.

    In tomosynthesis mammography, the machine looks very similar to a digital (2D) mammography unit, and the positioning and use of compression is the same. The difference is that a tomosynthesis unit takes several images of each breast in one exposure.

  • What happens after your mammogram

    • Please be patient as it takes the Radiologist a little longer to review and report these studies; there are hundreds of images.
    • Please note the time for the study and the radiation dose is the same for both 2D and 3D technologies.
    • At the time of your breast imaging, the study will usually be looked at by a breast radiologist and you will be given a provisional report.
    • Your study is then reviewed by a second independent breast radiologists after you leave.
    • Occasionally the first or second reader will want to look at something in more detail. As the second read usually occurs the next day, you may receive a phone call to arrange this. This is uncommon and does not always mean you have cancer.
  • Other breast imaging techniques

    These can be used in conjunction with a mammogram and clinical examination:

    • Ultrasound can determine whether a lump is solid, and may need a biopsy, or if it is a simple cyst.
    • An MRI scan can be performed to clarify the number of lesions within a breast and their relationship to the chest wall.
    • Image-guided core biopsies can be performed on indeterminate lesions to provide information for follow-up treatment.
  • To make an appointment

    To book a breast ultrasound, please call (09) 520 9550 and select ‘Breast Imaging’ from the menu.

    For all breast MRI scans, we need to see your referral before booking you an appointment. Please email a copy of your referral to: 

    Once the technologists have protocolled your referral and/or your ACC details have been checked, we will be in touch to discuss appointment times with you.

    Breast ultrasound and breast MRIs are both done at our Ascot Central branch

Find out more about the services we offer in this area

Please note; not all services are listed below, and not all services are available at every site

At Astra Radiology, Auckland, we use the latest MRI technology to produce high quality breast scans, and Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) to provide more accurate results.

  • Reasons for the procedure

    • To provide a definitive diagnosis or to exclude the presence of a abnormality.
    • To assess patients with known malignancies.
    • Pre-operative staging.
    • To decide the appropriate therapy – surgical or medical.
    • To assess patients with known malignancies after chemotherapy.
    • To assess response to treatment.
    • In the evaluation of residual disease.
    • To assess asymptomatic patients with no symptoms but a strong family history, BRCA1 and BRCA2.
    • To evaluate implants.
    • To locate clips and/or markers.
  • Before the procedure

    When making an appointment for a breast MRI, you will be asked to arrive in the department 30mins prior to the scan. This is to insure you understand the procedure and the importance of being comfortable so there is no movement during the examination.

    An IV lure will also be inserted in to your arm for the administration of contrast.

  • During the procedure

    You will be positioned prone on the MRI scanner in a specially designed coil to optimize the imaging of your breasts.

    The examination time can range from 40 minutes for a routine breast MRI and up to 1.5 hours for a breast biopsy.

  • After the procedure

    The images are viewed and reported by two separate radiologists to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Results may be available within 1 – 2 days.

  • To make an appointment

    For all breast MRI scans, we need to see your referral before booking you an appointment.

    Please email a copy of your referral to:

    Once the technologists have protocolled your referral, we will be in touch to discuss appointment times with you.

Make an appointment online or call our dedicated bookings line