COVID-19 Protection Framework: Orange

During Orange, we require all patients to follow the guidelines outlined below. These guidelines are in place to help protect patients, their families and our staff.

Orange Protection Framework guidelines:

  • If you are symptomatic OR if any member of your household has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days, you will be asked to take a RAT.
  • One fully-vaccinated support person only may accompany a patient to their appointment. They must:
    • be fully-vaccinated
    • ideally be from the same household
    • wear a medical mask
    • maintain social distancing as much as possible
    • be over the age of 12.
  • All patients and visitors must wear a medical mask while in the radiology department. If you require a mask exemption, you must have a signed letter from a medical professional for us to view.
  • Please maintain a 2-metre distance between other patients, visitors and staff.

We would ask all patients and visitors to please treat our staff with respect and patience; they are all working hard to accommodate everyone under difficult circumstances.

Thank you for your co-operation.

To make a booking, or to check opening hours of branches, please call us on (09) 520 9550.